最后修改时间:2023 年 9 月 5 日文件| 项目结构| 模块
CtrlAltShift0S | 模块
| 模块
IntelliJ IDEA 中的项目包含模块。模块由保留模块设置内部表示的文件和存储源代码、资源、测试等的内容根组成。
使用“源”选项卡选择 Java 支持的语言级别并配置模块内容。

- 语言水平
- 左侧窗格
- 右侧窗格
使用“路径”选项卡配置模块的编译器输出路径,还可以指定与模块关联的外部 JavaDoc 和外部注释的位置

- 编译器输出
编译器输出路径是IntelliJ IDEA存储编译结果的目录路径。有关编译器输出选项以及如何配置它们的更多信息,请参阅模块编译器输出。
- 外部注释
to manage the list of locations (directories) for external annotations associated with the module.
On this tab, you can define the module SDK and form the list of module dependencies.

- Module SDK
Select the module SDK. To associate the project SDK with the module, select Project SDK. Note that if you change the project SDK later, you need to change the module SDK as well.
- List of dependencies
, and
to add, remove and reorder the items. Use the cells in the header row to sort the list. For more information about configuring Export, Scope, and other options, refer to Configure a dependency scope.
Use the Plugin Deployment tab to specify the settings related to deploying your plugin.
Note that this tab is available for Plugin modules only. For more information about developing plugins, refer to IntelliJ Platform SDK Developer Guide.
- Path to META-INF\plugin.xml
Specify the path to the directory in which the directory META-INF with the file plugin.xml inside should be located.
plugin.xml is a plugin descriptor that contains general information about the plugin. This information includes the plugin name, description and version, the lowest IntelliJ IDEA build number with which it works as well as descriptions of the component and actions.
IntelliJ IDEA needs this file to be able to load the plugin.
plugin.xml should be located in the directory with the name META-INF.