最后修改时间:2023 年 8 月 23 日文件状态
您可以在版本控制 |配置 VCS 文件状态颜色 IDE 设置的 文件状态颜色页面。CtrlAlt0S
要同时突出显示包含已修改内容的文件夹和包,请在版本控制 |项目树中选择突出显示包含已修改文件的目录。IDE 设置的 确认页面。CtrlAlt0S
颜色 | 文件状态 | 描述 |
| 添加 | 活动变更列表中的文件计划添加到存储库中。 |
| 添加到非活动变更列表中 | 非活动更改列表中的文件计划添加到存储库中。如果在“设置”| “突出显示非活动更改列表中的文件”选项已启用,则此文件状态可用。版本控制 | 变更列表。 |
| 变更列表冲突 | 非活动变更列表中的文件已在活动变更列表中被修改。在这种情况下,将打开一个新对话框,提示您解决更改列表冲突。如果在“设置”|“设置”中启用了所有选项,则此文件状态可用。版本控制 | 变更列表。 |
| 已复制 | 如果一个文件是另一个文件的副本,则会跟踪其元数据,并将此类文件标记为已复制。 |
| 已删除 | 该文件计划从存储库中删除。 |
| 从文件系统中删除 | 该文件已在本地删除,但尚未计划删除,并且仍然存在于存储库中。 |
| 改变了后代 | 如果文件被修改,IDE 将递归突出显示包含该文件的所有目录。如果在“设置”| “项目树”中启用“突出显示项目树中包含已修改文件的目录”选项,则此状态可用。版本控制 | 确认。 |
| 立即改变孩子 | 如果文件被修改,IDE 将突出显示其父目录。如果在“设置”| “项目树”中启用“突出显示项目树中包含已修改文件的目录”选项,则此状态可用。版本控制 | 确认。 |
| 被劫持 | [Perforce、ClearCase、VSS] 文件被修改但未签出。 |
| 被忽略 | VCS 故意取消跟踪文件。 |
| 合并 | 作为更新的结果,该文件由您的 VCS 合并。 |
| 与冲突合并 | 在上次更新期间,该文件已合并并存在冲突。 |
| 合并财产冲突 | 在上次更新期间,IDE 检测到本地文件的属性与其服务器版本之间存在差异。 |
| 合并文本和属性冲突 | 当两个或多个开发人员修改文件的相同行和相同的文件属性时,就会发生文本和属性冲突。 |
| 修改的 | 自上次同步以来该文件已更改。 |
| 在非活动变更列表中修改 | 非活动更改列表中的文件已被修改。如果在“设置”| “突出显示非活动更改列表中的文件”选项已启用,则此文件状态可用。版本控制 | 变更列表。 |
| 过时的 | 该文件不应再位于存储库的工作副本中。 |
| 更名 | 自上次更新以来,该文件已被重命名。 |
| 已切换 | [SVN] 该文件取自与整个项目不同的分支。 |
| (未知)未版本化 | 该文件存在于本地,但不在存储库中,并且未计划添加。 |
| 最新 | 该文件尚未更改。 |
颜色 | 文件状态 | 描述 |
| 添加 | 活动变更列表中的文件计划添加到存储库中。 |
| 添加到非活动变更列表中 | 非活动更改列表中的文件计划添加到存储库中。如果在“设置”| “突出显示非活动更改列表中的文件”选项已启用,则此文件状态可用。版本控制 | 变更列表。 |
| 变更列表冲突 | 非活动变更列表中的文件已在活动变更列表中被修改。在这种情况下,将打开一个新对话框,提示您解决更改列表冲突。如果在“设置”|“设置”中启用了所有选项,则此文件状态可用。版本控制 | 变更列表。 |
| 已复制 | 如果一个文件是另一个文件的副本,则会跟踪其元数据,并将此类文件标记为已复制。 |
| 已删除 | 该文件计划从存储库中删除。 |
| 从文件系统中删除 | 该文件已在本地删除,但尚未计划删除,并且仍然存在于存储库中。 |
| 改变了后代 | 如果文件被修改,IDE 将递归突出显示包含该文件的所有目录。如果在“设置”| “项目树”中启用“突出显示项目树中包含已修改文件的目录”选项,则此状态可用。版本控制 | 确认。 |
| 立即改变孩子 | If a file is modified, the IDE will highlight its parent directory. This status is available if the Highlight directories that contain modified files in the Project tree option is enabled in Settings | Version Control | Confirmation. |
| Hijacked | [Perforce, ClearCase, VSS] The file is modified without checkout. |
| Ignored | A file is intentionally untracked by VCS. |
| Merged | The file is merged by your VCS as a result of an update. |
| Merged with conflicts | During the last update, the file has been merged with conflicts. |
| Merged with property conflicts | During the last update, the IDE has detected differences between the properties of the local file and its server version. |
| Merged with text and property conflicts | Text and property conflicts happen when two or more developers modify the same lines of a file and the same file properties. |
| Modified | The file has changed since the last synchronization. |
| Modified in not active changelist | The file in an inactive changelist has been modified. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings | Version Control | Changelists. |
| Obsolete | The file should no longer be in your working copy of the repository. |
| Renamed | Since the last update, the file has been renamed. |
| Switched | [SVN] The file is taken from a different branch than the whole project. |
| (Unknown) Unversioned | The file exists locally but is not in the repository and is not scheduled for addition. |
| Up to date | The file hasn't been changed. |
Color | File Status | Description |
| Added | The file in the active changelist is scheduled for addition to the repository. |
| Added in not active changelist | The file in an inactive changelist is scheduled for addition to the repository. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings | Version Control | Changelists. |
| Changelist conflict | The file in an inactive changelist has been modified in the active changelist. In this case, a new dialog will open, prompting you to resolve the changelist conflict. This file status is available if all options are enabled in Settings | Version Control | Changelists. |
| Copied | If a file is a copy of another file, its metadata is tracked, and such a file is marked as copied. |
| Deleted | The file is scheduled for deletion from the repository. |
| Deleted from file system | The file has been deleted locally but hasn't been scheduled for deletion, and it still exists in the repository. |
| Have changed descendants | If a file is modified, the IDE will recursively highlight all directories containing that file. This status is available if the Highlight directories that contain modified files in the Project tree option is enabled in Settings | Version Control | Confirmation. |
| Have immediate changed children | If a file is modified, the IDE will highlight its parent directory. This status is available if the Highlight directories that contain modified files in the Project tree option is enabled in Settings | Version Control | Confirmation. |
| Hijacked | [Perforce, ClearCase, VSS] The file is modified without checkout. |
| Ignored | A file is intentionally untracked by VCS. |
| Merged | The file is merged by your VCS as a result of an update. |
| Merged with conflicts | During the last update, the file has been merged with conflicts. |
| Merged with property conflicts | During the last update, the IDE has detected differences between the properties of the local file and its server version. |
| Merged with text and property conflicts | Text and property conflicts happen when two or more developers modify the same lines of a file and the same file properties. |
| Modified | The file has changed since the last synchronization. |
| Modified in not active changelist | The file in an inactive changelist has been modified. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings | Version Control | Changelists. |
| Obsolete | The file should no longer be in your working copy of the repository. |
| Renamed | Since the last update, the file has been renamed. |
| Switched | [SVN] The file is taken from a different branch than the whole project. |
| (Unknown) Unversioned | The file exists locally but is not in the repository and is not scheduled for addition. |
| Up to date | The file hasn't been changed. |
如果当前项目启用了 VCS 集成,则文件中修改的行会在装订线中用不同的颜色标记。
您可以在编辑器 |配置线路状态颜色。配色方案| IDE 设置的 VCS页面。CtrlAlt0S
要禁用突出显示已修改的行,请清除版本控制|上的在装订线中突出显示已修改的行复选框。IDE 设置的 确认页面。CtrlAlt0S

颜色 | 线路状态 | 描述 |
| 修改线路 | 自上次更新以来已修改的行。 |
| 空白修改的行 | 自上次更新以来仅修改了空格的行。 |
| 已添加线路 | 自上次更新以来添加的行。 |
| 已删除的行 | 自上次更新以来已删除的行。 |
Color | Line Status | Description |
| Modified lines | Lines that have been modified since the last update. |
| Whitespace-modified lines | Lines in which only whitespaces have been modified since the last update. |
| Added lines | Lines that have been added since the last update. |
| Deleted lines | Lines that have been removed since the last update. |
Color | Line Status | Description |
| Modified lines | Lines that have been modified since the last update. |
| Whitespace-modified lines | Lines in which only whitespaces have been modified since the last update. |
| Added lines | Lines that have been added since the last update. |
| Deleted lines | Lines that have been removed since the last update. |